The Poetry Corner featuring Ed Ireland

Good morning and welcome to this week’s edition of The Poetry Corner! Please join me in welcoming Ed Ireland. 🙂

Who You Are by Ed Ireland

Another year gone by
I find myself walking through the fields of doubt
as I look back on my years
wondering if I could have done things differently
said things differently
acted differently
and a voice from beyond reasons answers
and without any doubt
Nothing could be changed
because one simple fact remains
who you are is a result
of who you were
every minute spent seeking beauty
became the realization that what is best is not always packaged in gaudy paper
what is best is at times packaged plainly
every minute spent in anger and rage
became the realization that all things that happen are meant to be
anger will never change it
every minute spent with a broken heart
became the realization that love is never trivial and should always be honored
true love is a gift
Nothing could be changed
because one simple fact remains
who you are is a result
of what you’ve learned
every scar on your red knuckles
is a reminder that no man can impose his will upon you
every scar on your fair face
is a reminder that you cannot impose your will upon others
every bitter memory
is a reminder that you have lived in the worst of times
every sweet memory
is a reminder that you have lived in the best of times
every lasting memory
is a reminder that you have survived all of times
Nothing could be changed
because one simple fact remains
who you are is a result
of the life you’ve lived
If you changed one thing, you would not be who you are
Every careworn line of your face
is a reminder that life is not easy, not for the meek
life is a struggle, one that you’ve fought bravely
and one that you are still winning
every laugh and tear that has been collected along the way
is a reminder that being alive is not living
being you, in all your unique and unabashed glory
with no regrets
with no remorse
is living
Another year gone by
I smile as I pass the fields of doubt
as I look back on my years
confidant that I did things just right
said things perfectly
acted exactly as I was supposed to
and a voice from beyond reason whispers
with no doubt
One simple fact remains
who you are is a result
of understanding what brought you this far

Awesome poem, Ed! This is something I’ve dealt with from time to time. Our doubts can be the heaviest of anchors if we let them take hold. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

Contact Ed Ireland at:




If you would like to share your poetry here, or know anyone that would like to be featured, please email me at

As always, any poetry shared remains the property of the poet. I only share it with the poet’s permission.


About CP Bialois

Where do I begin? Well first I guess it's only fair to say that CP Bialois isn't my real name. It's a collaboration I made out of the three greatest pets anyone could ever want. My real name is Ed and I'm just an average person that has found a way to do what he loves. For as long back as I can remember I loved to pretend. Whether it was with my Transformers, GI Joe, or He-Man toys I loved to create intricate plots and have them fight it out. As a fan of horror, science fiction, action, and comedy I dare say my taste in movies are well rounded. Some of my favorites were Star Wars, Star Trek, martial arts, and anything with Swarzenegger in them. I'd write my own stories about the characters I saw in the theaters or TV or I'd just daydream about what I'd see myself as the hero of course. You can't have a daydream without beating the bad guys, getting the girl, etc. It's just not right to envision yourself as a flunky or sidekick. As far as books I loved Sherlock Holmes, Treasure Island, Dracula, and the normal assortment. My early love was the Star Trek novels, I'd read them or the Hardy Boys relentlessly. For a time I could tell you the plot of over a hundred books not to mention comics. I have to come clean and say that I learned to read because of comic books. I was bored, make that extremely bored when we started to read in school. Reading "the cat fell down" really didn't interest me. My dad, who continues to astound me with his insight to this day, figured comics would work. With that in mind he went to the newstand in town and bought issues of Donald Duck, Scrooge McDuck, Tales From the Crypt, and Spider-man. He patiently read through them with me until I picked it up. Whether it was him or the comics I learned to read in about two weeks and for a while few were as good as I was. For years after that whenever we'd go out he'd always spring for a couple of comic books for me. While it wasn't exactly the perfect beginning everything I've ever read or have seen has influenced me in some way and now is the time I'd like to share some of the ideas I've had over the years with all of you. I hope you enjoy my stories, they're always fun to write and I don't see myself stopping anytime soon.
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2 Responses to The Poetry Corner featuring Ed Ireland

  1. edireland says:

    Thank you once again Ed for shamelessly promoting me 🙂

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